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Investor Education > Managed Funds > Lifeplan Funds Management



Lifeplan logoLifeplan is a friendly society specialising in tax effective investment bonds, education savings plans and funeral bonds with $1.55 billion in funds under management as at 30 June 2009. Lifeplan aims to provide the best solutions for an investor’s needs by staying focused on the special benefits of their products through the expertise of leading fund managers.

The company has a long and successful history spanning over 165 years and is an amalgamation of many smaller friendly societies.Today, Lifeplan specialises in providing investors with simple, flexible investment solutions.

Lifeplan’s core value proposition is “simplicity - it is about helping investors reach their goals effectively by providing products with competitive returns that make investing easy“. In August 2009, Lifeplan merged with Australian Unity Investments reinforcing their position as the market leader in tax effective investment products and further broadening their expertise in managing bond products and education savings plans.



Australian shares
International shares
Fixed income


Investment products

Managed Funds
Managed Accounts
Superannuation Funds
Wrap Accounts
Insurance Bonds


St George Margin Lending
BT Margin Lending
Investment Bond
Sophisticated Investor Opportunities
Self Managed Super Funds

Fund managers

Colonial First State
Perpetual Wealthfocus
BT Investment Funds
MLC Masterkey
Spectrum Super

Australian Fund Managers

Investor Education

Managed investments
Separately managed accounts
Wrap accounts


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